Many of us take for granted that we have a roof over our heads. In fact, I don’t even think about the fact that I am so blessed, that I don’t just have a roof over my head, but I have many rooms in my house, filled with furniture, lights to see with and a piano for music. This is not the case for a small group of orphan children in Haiti. One of our partners, and a good friend, Donald Curtis, called me one day and told me about a group of children that he found that had no shelter over their heads and were living in tents. These children had been orphaned and had been gathered up by a Haitian pastor that loved these kids enough to at least let them stay on his land and provide temporary shelter. After hearing this, the Lord quickened both Colleen and I to take action. I asked Donald, “How much will it take to build these kids shelter (an orphanage)? He told me that with $5,000, his organization (Children’s Lifeline International), could build these children a building/orphanage. With a grant from Orphans Promise of $2,500 in matching funding, our church, Life Church, put together a “Sleep Out” in the cold and raised the additional $2,500 of donations from friends, neighbors and everyday people to get this important job done for the Kingdom and these kids. The building started last week and should be finished very soon. Donald Curtis is in Haiti right now through March 7th and I am anticipating getting some photos of the completed building. In Psalms 68:5, it says: “A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy dwelling”. God is our shelter, we dwell in him and these children now have a dwelling place because of people like you that wanted to make a difference. If you are interested in doing something to help out orphan children, please contact me at cbunse@acosta.com.