In the weeks before the trip I had been praying for God to create divine meetings for the four of us and he has done just that in the past four days. God is always faithful and continues to use the four of us to minister
Sunday June 21: Met up with Yuri and Nataliya in Detroit at 8pm and heading to Amsterdam at 9:10pm. Arrived in Kiev at 4:40pm (Kiev Time) most of us did not get a lot of sleep.
Monday June 22: Went right from the airport to the Emmanuel Center (this is the office for CBN for the Com
monwealth of Independent States, the old Republics from the USSR). Once there we meet up with Galina the director of the training center and Karen Spring (she is from Seattle and helps with OP projects in Ukraine) to say hello. We toured the training center for orphans (this is where 90 kids get biblical life skills training, computer skills, English skills and more. We went to see the computer room and also saw some beautiful bamboo inlaid pictures that kids that have cerebral palsy made in an art room.
After leaving the center, we drove a few miles away to a new medical center that will handle some medical missions for the Emmanuel Center. This center will be a self sustaining ministry that will give lower income patients the opportunity to get quality medical care. There will be a full variety of medical services that will also include medical attention for such things as dental and optometrist, OBGYN and other medical s
After leaving the medical facility, we went to dinner at a great restaurant in Kiev. This restaurant sold some of the art work that the kids from the Kiev Training Center made and then displayed it on the walls of the resturant dining room. Dinner was great, but we were all sleepy and went to our hotel room for the night. We have been up around almost 34 hours.
After leaving the center, we drove a few miles away to a new medical center that will handle some medical missions for the Emmanuel Center. This center will be a self sustaining ministry that will give lower income patients the opportunity to get quality medical care. There will be a full variety of medical services that will also include medical attention for such things as dental and optometrist, OBGYN and other medical s
After leaving the medical facility, we went to dinner at a great restaurant in Kiev. This restaurant sold some of the art work that the kids from the Kiev Training Center made and then displayed it on the walls of the resturant dining room. Dinner was great, but we were all sleepy and went to our hotel room for the night. We have been up around almost 34 hours.
Tuesday, June 23: Day three started a little later, we slept in a bit and then went to breakfast with Natalia’s father.
He met us for a few minutes to say hello and a quick bite of food. After breakfast we met with Pastor Yuri and his wife Oksana in the street market around 12pm. We tried to go see a person who we met 3 years ago that worked in one of the booths at the market to drop of some Christian information (I have kept in touch with him for the past 3 years and have talked to him about the Lord), but he was not in Kiev, he had gone to Russia to buy some goods. We met his partner and as Colleen and I were standing talking to his friend Alexander, and two young Mormon men asked us if we were from the US, we told them yes and talked for awhile. The first young man's name was David and he had been in Kiev for almost two years and was about to go home, the other young man’s name was Ken and he had just gotten to Kiev. Colleen and I prayed for Alexander before we left and also asked the two young men to pray with us as well. Knowing a little bit about the Mormom belief and the difference between thier belief and Christianity, we just prayed for power of Jesus and the Holy Spirit over all of us and beleived that they would all know the real Jesus Christ and that the spirit of truth would flood their body. Here is a great picture of Colleen and me in the market trying on our new hats and gas mask. I think I look great! 
After spending around one hour at the market we then went to have lunch and Colleen & Nat met a man in the line of the restaurant from Poland (he had a shirt that said Mercy Ship on it so Colleen went to talk to him). He was with a group of 12 people from Poland and one man from Denmark that were going to a conference that was lead by Messianic Jewish believers. We all connected after eating lunch and prayed with them in the restaurant for blessing for all and that what they were doing as well as us would be blessed and would be fruitful, it was awesome! As we talked to the first man Colleen and Nat met with the shirt (his name was Martin) he told us that the spiritual state of Poland was not really deep, but that God was changing people’s hearts and he was preaching the truth to as many people as he c
ould along with the people in his church.
After lunch we left Pastor Yuri and Oksana (and two other ladies from their church in Moldova) and headed to the airport. We ate dinner next to the airport and took our flight to Donaskt around 9pm. While on the plane we were able to witness to pilot from the airlines we were on, (he was flying home from a meeting in Kiev) and gave him the gospel. As we talked to him his heart opened up and he saw a need to have a real relationship with God through Jesus. It was a divine meeting since his father had left his mother when he was one year old and he has not talked to him ever. This young pilot was orphaned by his dad, just like the orphans that Orphans Promise helps around the world. When you think about it, we are all really orphaned if we do not know our heavenly father. We lead him in the sinner’s prayer once we got off the plane and we have his e-mail to stay in contact with him, his name was Andrew, please pray for him. We got picked up at the airport and Pastor Oleg drove us to our hotel, another late night, we went to bed around 3am.
After spending around one hour at the market we then went to have lunch and Colleen & Nat met a man in the line of the restaurant from Poland (he had a shirt that said Mercy Ship on it so Colleen went to talk to him). He was with a group of 12 people from Poland and one man from Denmark that were going to a conference that was lead by Messianic Jewish believers. We all connected after eating lunch and prayed with them in the restaurant for blessing for all and that what they were doing as well as us would be blessed and would be fruitful, it was awesome! As we talked to the first man Colleen and Nat met with the shirt (his name was Martin) he told us that the spiritual state of Poland was not really deep, but that God was changing people’s hearts and he was preaching the truth to as many people as he c
After lunch we left Pastor Yuri and Oksana (and two other ladies from their church in Moldova) and headed to the airport. We ate dinner next to the airport and took our flight to Donaskt around 9pm. While on the plane we were able to witness to pilot from the airlines we were on, (he was flying home from a meeting in Kiev) and gave him the gospel. As we talked to him his heart opened up and he saw a need to have a real relationship with God through Jesus. It was a divine meeting since his father had left his mother when he was one year old and he has not talked to him ever. This young pilot was orphaned by his dad, just like the orphans that Orphans Promise helps around the world. When you think about it, we are all really orphaned if we do not know our heavenly father. We lead him in the sinner’s prayer once we got off the plane and we have his e-mail to stay in contact with him, his name was Andrew, please pray for him. We got picked up at the airport and Pastor Oleg drove us to our hotel, another late night, we went to bed around 3am.
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